EXPLORE: Happening Now!
CoLab Processes at the Core of Powerful Work
InnoLabs in Every School!
CoLab leader and high school English teacher, Jeff Hudson, developed and has been scaling up the InnoLab at Alton High School in Southern Illinois. He and his colleagues have nurtured a culture of shared innovation at his school with their bi-weekly InnoLab meetings. Every other week, before school, teachers of all content areas convene, where one will lead an Inquiry into My Practice (IMP) with the support of a ThinkingParnter. In this way, teachers systemically harness 3 Durable Practices of Intentional Collaboration, Intentional Instructing, and, Intententional Critically Reflecting, in order to teach each other the best of what they presently know, and then innovate upon those practices taking them immediately back to their classrooms. CoLab is working with the district's school leaders in order to scale up LitLab''s work as InnoLabs, teaching practices innovation labs in every school.

Quality Teachers for English Learners
Drs. Kim Song and Ralph Córdova are the Primary Investigators of a US Department of Education grant called Quality Teachers for English Learners (QTEL), at University of Missouri-St. Louis. The 5-year grant supports yearly-created cohorts of K-5 Missouri teachers to develop knowledge pedagogical expertise to support English Language Learners to strenghten their mathematical reasoning. The 5-year grant supports the creation of yearly cohort of both pre-service and in-service teachers, who are learning to harness ResponsiveDesign, 3 Durable Practices and IMPs in order to improve, inquire into and innovate ELL-nurturing math instruction.